Saturday, December 29, 2012

Clipper Lighter

One item I always include in my fire kit is a disposable lighter. Why, because using a lighter is an easy and convenient way of making a fire. I know a lighter is no good when the flint is wet but you can blow and wipe it dry and it will function again. What about when the fuel runs dry or evaporates? Well, you can still use the spark from the lighter to make fire if you have a char cloth, cotton balls soaked with petroleum jelly, jute twine or any tinder that will catch fire easily. You can convert your lighter into a sparklite. See my previous post on how to convert a lighter into a sparklite. But you don't need to do that if you have a clipper lighter.

Clipper is a brand name of a lighter that is refillable and world renowned for durability and reliability.

It's just like any disposable lighter.

But it has a removable flint system that allows you to replace the flint. You just pull the flint system up with your fingers.

And you have an instant sparklite. Clipper lighter, a conventional lighter and a sparklite all in one.

That's all folks! Thanks for reading.

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