Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fire Tinder Tube

One way of starting a fire is with the use of flint and steel. This method requires a tinder to catch the sparks produced when the steels strikes the flint. The tinder used oftentimes is a char cloth. I've seen some people in Youtube use chaga as tinder but the majority uses char cloth. I myself uses char cloth as tinder for flint and steel firemaking but char cloth is somewhat messy to use. While browsing the Internet, I came across a fire tinder tube from Rons Primitive Skills blog. I thought it was a very cool idea so I decided to make one.

This is the fire tinder tube from Rons Primitive Skills blog. Visit his blog to learn more about it.

The 3 cotton ropes I bought from eBay. I have charred one of the rope end and tried it with my flint and steel. It works well and not so messy as char cloth is. All I need now is the copper tube and I'm good to go. It will be a nice addition to my fire kit.

That's all folks! Thanks for reading.

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