Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Miami Woods Revisited

I went back to Miami Woods first to find out what animal made that scat (refer to my previous blog post) and second to test my new hobo stove.

While walking on the trail, I saw this.

And this.

So I guess this is the animal who made that scat. Do you agree?

I brought with me (from top left clockwise) my water bottle and a stainless cup, hobo stove, Gatorade, pear, 3-in-1 coffee in plastic container, shopping bag, knife, plastic spoon, macaroons, a slice of cake. Dried twigs on the bottom left are fuel for the hobo stove. I just pick them up from the grounds, some I broke off from the trees.

Boiling water for my coffee using the hobo stove. It took 8 minutes for the water to come to a boil. The hobo stove performed satisfactorily but I guess I need to make a cover for the cup to speed up the boiling process.

Coffee ready to drink.

A nice sip of coffee on a cool morning to unwind after an overnight shift.

The KA-BAR Adventure Piggyback with the handle wrap in paracord. The knife is now more comfortable in my hands.

That's all folks! Thanks for reading.

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