Sunday, June 14, 2015

Altoids Mini Kit + Leatherman Squirt PS4

Some people think Altoids kits (tin can kits) are useless or inadequate. I won't argue with that because a PSK should be tailored according to your needs, skills and environment. I won't go into the jungle without a machete and a big pack but for just a casual hike on a high volume traffic trail in the suburb, I just carry a mini kit. As always my kit contains somethings to make fire because the greatest threat if you get lost where I usually hike is hypothermia. Remember the rule of 3's - 3 hours of exposure to elements, you die.

Altoids Tin (small) - PJ coated cotton balls, Firesteel
Leatherman Squirt PS4.

That's all folks! Thanks for reading.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Trail Watch Volunteer

I am officially a Trail Watch Volunteer of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County.

The following are excerpts from the Forest Preserve Blog:

"At its core, the Trail Watch program is a group of volunteers that patrol the preserves and act as extra eyes and ears for the Forest Preserves Police, reporting suspicious or illegal activity with a phone call. But it’s also so much more than that—for both volunteers and preserve visitors."

Members of the program are outfitted with a neon green t-shirt, whistle, Trail Watch ID and maps and encouraged to use the preserves as much as possible.

That's all folks! Thanks for reading.